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Last Chatting: 00:46 12/03/2023 Funtokens: 0
Forum Replies Created
September 14, 2010 at 10:00 pm #44566
Participantok my GUT has just now inbetween POSTz created a awareness for how POORLY im following my GUT INSTINCT due to the REAL TRUTH of how CHALLENGING this is to keep doing into onez future without FORGETTING that ONE ever got OFF TRACK in the PAST
therefore BEFORE i even PULLED up this SPECIFIC POST i CREATED a TOUGHT PROGRAM to help me FOLLOW it more accurately PUSH PUSH
itz a VIRTUAL PROGRAM that has been created from mixez of FANTASY and DELUSION and all thingz magically UNREAL. in the VERY NEXT POST my third POST im going to bring this THOUGHT PROGRAM online symbolically when i CLICK the “POST-A-REPLY” to bring up my 3RD POST of this specific day. keep in mind that in this POST to FOLLOW this one part of this THOUGHT PROGRAM is created with me PRETENDING that im GOD etc etc etc
push push all i ask of you is to remember deep down within ME no matter what the NEXT POST may appear to CREATE i will alwayz be aware that im not TRUELY GOD etc etc etc as i will in the NEXT POST simply be ACTING a PART
good luck pushinglimits may the light be your guide and may it move at godspeed :eye: :wtf: :shh: :thumbup:
September 14, 2010 at 10:00 pm #53160sweetnwild
Participantok my GUT has just now inbetween POSTz created a awareness for how POORLY im following my GUT INSTINCT due to the REAL TRUTH of how CHALLENGING this is to keep doing into onez future without FORGETTING that ONE ever got OFF TRACK in the PAST
therefore BEFORE i even PULLED up this SPECIFIC POST i CREATED a TOUGHT PROGRAM to help me FOLLOW it more accurately PUSH PUSH
itz a VIRTUAL PROGRAM that has been created from mixez of FANTASY and DELUSION and all thingz magically UNREAL. in the VERY NEXT POST my third POST im going to bring this THOUGHT PROGRAM online symbolically when i CLICK the “POST-A-REPLY” to bring up my 3RD POST of this specific day. keep in mind that in this POST to FOLLOW this one part of this THOUGHT PROGRAM is created with me PRETENDING that im GOD etc etc etc
push push all i ask of you is to remember deep down within ME no matter what the NEXT POST may appear to CREATE i will alwayz be aware that im not TRUELY GOD etc etc etc as i will in the NEXT POST simply be ACTING a PART
good luck pushinglimits may the light be your guide and may it move at godspeed :eye: :wtf: :shh: :thumbup:
September 14, 2010 at 9:42 pm #44565sweetnwild
Participanti love you pushinglimits :D:
for many reasonz :thumbup: :yes: :thumbup:
i FEEL there were also many reasonz u named your personality online as “PUSHINGLIMITs” and all of these reasonz were CASE SPECIFIC to only YOU
yes im aware i have CREATED a UNEXPECTED new POINT to FOLLOW and my INSTINCTz are TELLING me i must NOW keep following it regardless to any and all obstaclez and thus this is right NOW where im DIRECTING my THOUGHT STREAM TOWARDz. there is no way to DENY the truth that i will not be able to CONTINUE this way indiffinately without STOPPING first. however im going to TRY for as LONG as my INSTINCTz can keep up with me :ninja:
I fEEL dEEpDowN buried in your CORE nestled inbetween the MASSIVE TOTAL sum of all your INTERNAL-SPIRITz was a SIGNAL of AWARENESS that HELPED you CREATE this USERNAME and part of yOUr personality push push
yes im aware the VAST majority of us just refer to this AREA within us as their GUT VOICE or their INTUITION, INSTINCTz etc etc etc. im aware that the WAY that i described it in the PARAGRAPH above soundz CONFUSING. i think there is a TRUTHFUL REASON of REALITY why the way i described it in that PARAGRAPH as CONFUSING. i feel that if ONE attemptz to LOCATE this AREA within themselvez it is extremely CONFUSING. i dont mean to imply to recieve a SIGNAL from this AREA is CONFUSING or DIFFICULT to RECIEVE my dear pushing. i feel that is EASY and not confusing unless of course WE choose to begin QUESTIONING it however that REFERz to AFTER ONE has already recieved this GUT FEELING first and therefore that DIRECTION of TIME is NOT where im HEADED towardz today push push so let me REPAIR and REFOCUS my distination. what i mean to imply push push is that to TRANSFER a SIGNAL from our CONCIOUS SELF all the way back to our GUT and have ONEz gut turn right around and offer a CLEAR SIGNAL for ONEz CONCIOUS SELF to INTERPRET accurately is FUCKING CONFUSING
actually forget having a CLEAR SIGNAL reflected striaght back thatz OFF TRACK letz refocus just on LOCATING this AREA conciously and UNDERSTANDING what it is, that missy push push is FUCKING CONFUSING i dare say
as in MASSIVELY CONFUSING for many reasonz chief amoung them the SHEER volume of the complexity of all the REACTIONz that take PLACE within every individual human being
hang on i post his and return with part two of this current stream of thought directionz
September 14, 2010 at 9:42 pm #53159sweetnwild
Participanti love you pushinglimits :D:
for many reasonz :thumbup: :yes: :thumbup:
i FEEL there were also many reasonz u named your personality online as “PUSHINGLIMITs” and all of these reasonz were CASE SPECIFIC to only YOU
yes im aware i have CREATED a UNEXPECTED new POINT to FOLLOW and my INSTINCTz are TELLING me i must NOW keep following it regardless to any and all obstaclez and thus this is right NOW where im DIRECTING my THOUGHT STREAM TOWARDz. there is no way to DENY the truth that i will not be able to CONTINUE this way indiffinately without STOPPING first. however im going to TRY for as LONG as my INSTINCTz can keep up with me :ninja:
I fEEL dEEpDowN buried in your CORE nestled inbetween the MASSIVE TOTAL sum of all your INTERNAL-SPIRITz was a SIGNAL of AWARENESS that HELPED you CREATE this USERNAME and part of yOUr personality push push
yes im aware the VAST majority of us just refer to this AREA within us as their GUT VOICE or their INTUITION, INSTINCTz etc etc etc. im aware that the WAY that i described it in the PARAGRAPH above soundz CONFUSING. i think there is a TRUTHFUL REASON of REALITY why the way i described it in that PARAGRAPH as CONFUSING. i feel that if ONE attemptz to LOCATE this AREA within themselvez it is extremely CONFUSING. i dont mean to imply to recieve a SIGNAL from this AREA is CONFUSING or DIFFICULT to RECIEVE my dear pushing. i feel that is EASY and not confusing unless of course WE choose to begin QUESTIONING it however that REFERz to AFTER ONE has already recieved this GUT FEELING first and therefore that DIRECTION of TIME is NOT where im HEADED towardz today push push so let me REPAIR and REFOCUS my distination. what i mean to imply push push is that to TRANSFER a SIGNAL from our CONCIOUS SELF all the way back to our GUT and have ONEz gut turn right around and offer a CLEAR SIGNAL for ONEz CONCIOUS SELF to INTERPRET accurately is FUCKING CONFUSING
actually forget having a CLEAR SIGNAL reflected striaght back thatz OFF TRACK letz refocus just on LOCATING this AREA conciously and UNDERSTANDING what it is, that missy push push is FUCKING CONFUSING i dare say
as in MASSIVELY CONFUSING for many reasonz chief amoung them the SHEER volume of the complexity of all the REACTIONz that take PLACE within every individual human being
hang on i post his and return with part two of this current stream of thought directionz
August 13, 2010 at 7:36 am #44541sweetnwild
Participantsorry got of TRACK in that last post at the END when fear and jealosy decieved me without my awareness to it and in between posting i caught up and became aware of it and will now go back to the POINT whereby in all the casez that individual male and female alike worked alone and in tandem to SHARE more POWER of CONTROL with WOMEN in the DECISONz of CHOICE that DIRECTLY EFFECTED the GANG as a WHOLE they were opposed by the MEN in POWER at the TIME that did not desire to RELENQUICH CONTROL of their POWER BASE of FUTURE EXPECTATIONz.
however they were NOT just OPPOSED by these MEN that were in POWER. they were also OPPOSED by something alot more POWERFUL then men are or have ever been. so say the delusionz NOT MY PROBLEM yourz remember i dont believe them INTENTIONALLY i told you already. yes so what these delusionz show me is that all these individualz and teamz or couplez were opposed by VASTLY superiour POWER of AWARENESS PROCESSING that took place at the SUB-CONCIOUS level without the AWARENESS of the men in POWER that were opposing the few that TRIED to RE-BALANCE this CONTROL of FORCE anD secrecy.
what it showz itz TRAGIC. what it showz is a SINGLE FOCUS to CONSUME and PRODUCE POWER without any FOCUS directed to FORETHOUGHT
or so sayz the delusion
yeah the delusion showz me that this clear path leadz to a gradually and secretive CORRUPTION of POWER WHEREBY A apoint of STRESS IS reached and a BREAK in large volumez of life are witnessed
so you can understand how this would create a fair bit of stress in anyone that happened to have this keep playing over and over in his mind
so im going to need a few women to recharge me and i swear i dont even think thatz part of my delusion
you gotta believe me :thumbup: :wave:
August 13, 2010 at 7:36 am #53135sweetnwild
Participantsorry got of TRACK in that last post at the END when fear and jealosy decieved me without my awareness to it and in between posting i caught up and became aware of it and will now go back to the POINT whereby in all the casez that individual male and female alike worked alone and in tandem to SHARE more POWER of CONTROL with WOMEN in the DECISONz of CHOICE that DIRECTLY EFFECTED the GANG as a WHOLE they were opposed by the MEN in POWER at the TIME that did not desire to RELENQUICH CONTROL of their POWER BASE of FUTURE EXPECTATIONz.
however they were NOT just OPPOSED by these MEN that were in POWER. they were also OPPOSED by something alot more POWERFUL then men are or have ever been. so say the delusionz NOT MY PROBLEM yourz remember i dont believe them INTENTIONALLY i told you already. yes so what these delusionz show me is that all these individualz and teamz or couplez were opposed by VASTLY superiour POWER of AWARENESS PROCESSING that took place at the SUB-CONCIOUS level without the AWARENESS of the men in POWER that were opposing the few that TRIED to RE-BALANCE this CONTROL of FORCE anD secrecy.
what it showz itz TRAGIC. what it showz is a SINGLE FOCUS to CONSUME and PRODUCE POWER without any FOCUS directed to FORETHOUGHT
or so sayz the delusion
yeah the delusion showz me that this clear path leadz to a gradually and secretive CORRUPTION of POWER WHEREBY A apoint of STRESS IS reached and a BREAK in large volumez of life are witnessed
so you can understand how this would create a fair bit of stress in anyone that happened to have this keep playing over and over in his mind
so im going to need a few women to recharge me and i swear i dont even think thatz part of my delusion
you gotta believe me :thumbup: :wave:
August 13, 2010 at 7:09 am #44540sweetnwild
Participantregardless dont get to focused on that because alot of men didnt cave in for the free whoopy and they killed a whole bunch of malez and femalez to keep there power. dont worry though this is as i said only in the delusion witch i dont really believe other then it just keepz repeating over and over so it makez it a tad hard to keep denying all the timez so i just take wee breakz now and then :ying:
yeah so check the rest of this perfect delusion out that waz created in my mind by whatever lunitical meanz
you know all those peoplez i waz talking about who throughout human history OVER and over have TRIED to SHARE the KEYz of CONTROL with WOMEN to allow them MORE AWARENESSz of DETAILz without INTENTIONALLY restrictivly and secretivly DENYING them that same INFO ???
WELL you are not going to believe this. the delusion that happenz to keep repeatin over and over within my mind showz me images of how JEALOUSY and FEAR were aware throughout all these TIMEz and when im sayin that jesus waz one of many i really fuckin mean it or at least the IMAGEz im seeing REALLY FUCKING SHOW it. it also showz the dude himself standing up with two thumbz extended in my direction agreeing with me. dont shoot the messenger thatz what the picture showz dont judge me for believin it dingbat im TRYING my HARDEST every day to get rid of it and im slowly doing it but it is painful i willy that :non:
August 13, 2010 at 7:09 am #53134sweetnwild
Participantregardless dont get to focused on that because alot of men didnt cave in for the free whoopy and they killed a whole bunch of malez and femalez to keep there power. dont worry though this is as i said only in the delusion witch i dont really believe other then it just keepz repeating over and over so it makez it a tad hard to keep denying all the timez so i just take wee breakz now and then :ying:
yeah so check the rest of this perfect delusion out that waz created in my mind by whatever lunitical meanz
you know all those peoplez i waz talking about who throughout human history OVER and over have TRIED to SHARE the KEYz of CONTROL with WOMEN to allow them MORE AWARENESSz of DETAILz without INTENTIONALLY restrictivly and secretivly DENYING them that same INFO ???
WELL you are not going to believe this. the delusion that happenz to keep repeatin over and over within my mind showz me images of how JEALOUSY and FEAR were aware throughout all these TIMEz and when im sayin that jesus waz one of many i really fuckin mean it or at least the IMAGEz im seeing REALLY FUCKING SHOW it. it also showz the dude himself standing up with two thumbz extended in my direction agreeing with me. dont shoot the messenger thatz what the picture showz dont judge me for believin it dingbat im TRYING my HARDEST every day to get rid of it and im slowly doing it but it is painful i willy that :non:
August 13, 2010 at 6:55 am #44539sweetnwild
Participantin addition if that fella did exist or if he existed in the form of SEVERAL fellaz that were all combined into ONE STORY to CREATE a CONDENSED version of the same story that had been creating and recreating all over the globe to various levelz and degreez of success i will bet MONEY that why these indiivudalz in past time where torn down or destroyed waz something that should make so much SENSE deeply within you that it will create a SPOOKI FEELIN down deep somewhere if you can catch it before it SECRETLY dissappearz.
the reason is that what these individualz were alwayz doing in these casez were SHARING the KEYz of the FORCE of CONTROL that WOMEN in GENERAL had thus far been ALLOWED to be AWARE of as previously men just used force to keep these awarenesses from women. there waz a reason why this waz done. it is to do with building POWER. once they had women in a postion whereby they could DENY all kindz of LARGE STREAMz of AWARENESSz to WOMEN in GENERAL it waz much EASIER to WILLINGLY talk them into letting their sonz risk their livez to die in battlez that were to SUPPOSEDLY PROTECT their LANDz
battlez that these motherz would with the TRUTH stood up in DEFIANCE AGAINST to the POINT whereby the INTENTIONALLY a SECRETLY began to PLOT against the FATHERz of their SONz with SECRETIVE INTENTIONAL DISOBEDIANCE. the sad part is alot of the fatherz if put in this postion would have just caved right in for the rightz to keep accessing their womenz genitalz whenever their desirez wood arisE. in this case alot of comprismes with other GANGz and TRIBEz across the way would have come to much different conclusionz. anyone that sayz differently is not aware of the true power of the female and the true FORCE of her nature to protect her offspringZ and as most of it is SECRETIVE or NOT APPARENT most would not be aware. unless of course they were a mother :thumbup:
August 13, 2010 at 6:55 am #53133sweetnwild
Participantin addition if that fella did exist or if he existed in the form of SEVERAL fellaz that were all combined into ONE STORY to CREATE a CONDENSED version of the same story that had been creating and recreating all over the globe to various levelz and degreez of success i will bet MONEY that why these indiivudalz in past time where torn down or destroyed waz something that should make so much SENSE deeply within you that it will create a SPOOKI FEELIN down deep somewhere if you can catch it before it SECRETLY dissappearz.
the reason is that what these individualz were alwayz doing in these casez were SHARING the KEYz of the FORCE of CONTROL that WOMEN in GENERAL had thus far been ALLOWED to be AWARE of as previously men just used force to keep these awarenesses from women. there waz a reason why this waz done. it is to do with building POWER. once they had women in a postion whereby they could DENY all kindz of LARGE STREAMz of AWARENESSz to WOMEN in GENERAL it waz much EASIER to WILLINGLY talk them into letting their sonz risk their livez to die in battlez that were to SUPPOSEDLY PROTECT their LANDz
battlez that these motherz would with the TRUTH stood up in DEFIANCE AGAINST to the POINT whereby the INTENTIONALLY a SECRETLY began to PLOT against the FATHERz of their SONz with SECRETIVE INTENTIONAL DISOBEDIANCE. the sad part is alot of the fatherz if put in this postion would have just caved right in for the rightz to keep accessing their womenz genitalz whenever their desirez wood arisE. in this case alot of comprismes with other GANGz and TRIBEz across the way would have come to much different conclusionz. anyone that sayz differently is not aware of the true power of the female and the true FORCE of her nature to protect her offspringZ and as most of it is SECRETIVE or NOT APPARENT most would not be aware. unless of course they were a mother :thumbup:
August 13, 2010 at 6:37 am #53132sweetnwild
Participantso eventhough i knew it couldnt be true it didnt change that it waz far more POWERFUL than i had the abilty to create a belief that it waz UNTRUE. that waz simply from what i had witnessed as this is how we all create our current time beliefz of TRUTH. so i was like hey maybe somebody should try to do something about these FEAR and JEALOUSY dealerz within our SUB-CONCIOUS that crushed the 60’z, nearly created a nuclear war, created hitler etc and beheaded jesus just because he got pissed off someone called mary a ho when he was aware in his heart of heartz that without her he waz NOTHING as she gave him his INSPIRATION to want to be a BETTER CALMER and NICER PERSON
thatz the KIND of thingz that they TRUTHFULLY will EXECUTE peoplez for that DARE try to PRETEND that this EXISTz
by the way i have no idea if jesus existed i just put that line in cuss it flowed outta me eventhough i waz fully aware i just made it up on the spot. i put in the part about the beheading to prove it. by the way i could care less if jesus did or did not exist. what i do care about is a few of the core conceptz about casting STONEz upon otherz BLINDLY and un-nessarily i BELIEVE in enough to risk my life for that belief. even if i had to kill myself to protect another soul. im not saying i would do that im saying i would try my best. also if jesus did exist i will bet money right here and now that mary waz the one he waz trying MOST to IMPRESS
dont forget these are my DELUSIONz so i dont believe them im just saying i dont have the POWER of CONTROL right now to UNBELIEVE them but im trying
August 13, 2010 at 6:37 am #44538sweetnwild
Participantso eventhough i knew it couldnt be true it didnt change that it waz far more POWERFUL than i had the abilty to create a belief that it waz UNTRUE. that waz simply from what i had witnessed as this is how we all create our current time beliefz of TRUTH. so i was like hey maybe somebody should try to do something about these FEAR and JEALOUSY dealerz within our SUB-CONCIOUS that crushed the 60’z, nearly created a nuclear war, created hitler etc and beheaded jesus just because he got pissed off someone called mary a ho when he was aware in his heart of heartz that without her he waz NOTHING as she gave him his INSPIRATION to want to be a BETTER CALMER and NICER PERSON
thatz the KIND of thingz that they TRUTHFULLY will EXECUTE peoplez for that DARE try to PRETEND that this EXISTz
by the way i have no idea if jesus existed i just put that line in cuss it flowed outta me eventhough i waz fully aware i just made it up on the spot. i put in the part about the beheading to prove it. by the way i could care less if jesus did or did not exist. what i do care about is a few of the core conceptz about casting STONEz upon otherz BLINDLY and un-nessarily i BELIEVE in enough to risk my life for that belief. even if i had to kill myself to protect another soul. im not saying i would do that im saying i would try my best. also if jesus did exist i will bet money right here and now that mary waz the one he waz trying MOST to IMPRESS
dont forget these are my DELUSIONz so i dont believe them im just saying i dont have the POWER of CONTROL right now to UNBELIEVE them but im trying
August 13, 2010 at 6:24 am #53131sweetnwild
Participantyes as i waz sayin before the post rudly cut me off i became aware that of this PERFECTLY DETAILED BELIEF of how not only were JEALOSY and FEAR aware of their individual “energy patternz” but they were also so much SMARTER in their ABILITY to PROCESS thoughtz at speedz witch simple do not make sense. although this is only a DELUSION within my MIND i have not been able to get rid of it as it has the ability to keep adapting and changing over time. changing into forumz whereby i dont reconize it anymore. then itz just a matter of time before it secretly REGROWz to itz old PORTIONz of CONTROL over me.
now that wouldnt be such a big deal because in most wayz i waz a pretty good guy before and my loved onez really loved me even before i made them aware how i had phcyologically tortured them over long time periodz whereby they could never prove it and how i broke them down and bullied them. however must people on earth already do this in so many wayz they just dont realize how and why because of the TIME DELAYz. why it is such a big deal to me is if i simply try to survive the rest of my life without the awarenessz i have within my mind is of what these specific AWARNESSEz have made me freakin aware of. they made me AWARE that JEALOSY and FEAR have this SECRET DEAL that they CREATED together LONG LONG ago. it told me that this secret DEAL has allowed them to keep CONTROL over the FLOWz of their ENERGY CREATIONz in current time. i became aware of the reason WHY. it waz because we have created ourselvez to SEEK and HUNT down ENERGY and BUILD upon it. im aware that these two energyz have created a NATURAL situation that needz a NATURAL situation to STOP it for a REASON the reason is this SECRET INTERNAL SUB CONCIOUS deal has been responsible for all the past time rapez, torturez, murderz, mass murderz and houcostz that have REPAETED throughout our past time recorded human history :thumbup: :clap: :non: :alien: :wave:
August 13, 2010 at 6:24 am #44537sweetnwild
Participantyes as i waz sayin before the post rudly cut me off i became aware that of this PERFECTLY DETAILED BELIEF of how not only were JEALOSY and FEAR aware of their individual “energy patternz” but they were also so much SMARTER in their ABILITY to PROCESS thoughtz at speedz witch simple do not make sense. although this is only a DELUSION within my MIND i have not been able to get rid of it as it has the ability to keep adapting and changing over time. changing into forumz whereby i dont reconize it anymore. then itz just a matter of time before it secretly REGROWz to itz old PORTIONz of CONTROL over me.
now that wouldnt be such a big deal because in most wayz i waz a pretty good guy before and my loved onez really loved me even before i made them aware how i had phcyologically tortured them over long time periodz whereby they could never prove it and how i broke them down and bullied them. however must people on earth already do this in so many wayz they just dont realize how and why because of the TIME DELAYz. why it is such a big deal to me is if i simply try to survive the rest of my life without the awarenessz i have within my mind is of what these specific AWARNESSEz have made me freakin aware of. they made me AWARE that JEALOSY and FEAR have this SECRET DEAL that they CREATED together LONG LONG ago. it told me that this secret DEAL has allowed them to keep CONTROL over the FLOWz of their ENERGY CREATIONz in current time. i became aware of the reason WHY. it waz because we have created ourselvez to SEEK and HUNT down ENERGY and BUILD upon it. im aware that these two energyz have created a NATURAL situation that needz a NATURAL situation to STOP it for a REASON the reason is this SECRET INTERNAL SUB CONCIOUS deal has been responsible for all the past time rapez, torturez, murderz, mass murderz and houcostz that have REPAETED throughout our past time recorded human history :thumbup: :clap: :non: :alien: :wave:
August 13, 2010 at 6:07 am #53130sweetnwild
Participantwhy did it HURT so ME MUCH so MUCH ??? ❓
itz because i had alwayz PRIDED myself on being more CONSIDERATE to the FEELINGz of men and especially women :yes:
when i found out how inconsiderate i waz and BELIEVE me i REALLY really waz and im not talking about physical abuse im talking about MENTAL ABUSE. im not talking about SWEARING at someone telling them they were ugly or stupid etc. im talking about playin mental gamez with your loved onez that over a long period of time begin to DRIVE them NUTz when they are around you and many timez even when they are not. i became aware that what i took as PRIDE waz actually my PRIDE at creating such a INCREDABLE HOAX of DENIAL on my concious self that allowed me to BELIEVE what i thought may be happening could ever in TRUTH really be HAPPENING. i did that using a countless string of unending truths that along the way of the unending string came many a truth that waz simplly created from FALSE information that didnt really EXIST in the way that i at that time BELIEVED it to EXIST. so i dont know what you the reader would have done but i decided i had to AVENGE this and CHANGE it. so i choose to go deeper still into the depthz of myself and figure out how. as thingz are looking now it would appear that i would have been wiser to leave it alone and just go on living and dealing with thingz without going even deeper into the realmz of the unknown within my mind. ur aware of the STORY of ALICE in WONDERLAND ? WELL that meanz to describe whereby i fell into. within my mind ragez a battle of THOUGHT that is going on. im AWARE that FEAR and JEALOUSY have been for the last hundredz of many centuriez been SECRETLY with-holding the AWARENESS that they CONTROL a MAJORITY SHARe on a STAGGERING PORTION of all of our thoughtZ CHOICEz and ACTIONz/REACTIONz. a share that is NOT BELIEVEABLE. NOW please deny the next BIT of INFO that is on it way to be IMPRINTED next that being that TRUE or NOT i have become aware of a DELUSION of a FANTASY that the ENERGY PATTERNz of JEALOUSY and FEAR are FORCES of ALL OF OUR NATURE THAT HAVE AWARENESS to WHAT and WHO or WHAT they are. chose who or what depending only on your perceptionz of LIFE. IM GOOD WITH either word itz all the same to me :thumbup: